Help the Comma is Under Threat

Is Something Wrong With That Title?

By Annette Rey

I suppose most people do not pay much attention to punctuating their sentences. It’s questionable whether they consider what constitutes a complete sentence. But writer’s must pay heed to these rules for effective communication with their reader.

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Some Uses of Apostrophes

’Tis Time to Look at Punctuation

By Annette Rey

While using Facebook I became aware of many people attempting to write English when it is not their primary language. Constructing sentences is difficult for them. I have great admiration for these budding authors. They are my inspiration for writing this basic instruction for those who need this kind of help.

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What is Punctuation?

A Few Thoughts on a Big Subject

By Annette Rey

Punctuation – what is it? It is the marks on paper or screen that represent what our physical bodies would be doing at the time we would be saying the words verbally. What do I mean by that? Well, for instance, I can write “She sang the song.” Or “She sang the song!” Or “She sang the song.” Or “She sang the song.” Or “She sang the song.” Or “She sang The Song.” Verbally, I would put inflected sounds of my voice on the italicized words. Additionally, I might use hand gestures, grimaces (if the singing was poor), lifted eyebrows, jumping up and down if enthused, and clapping my hands! All of these movements and inflections would punctuate my verbal story to you.

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