Help for Writers

Great Site #14

By Annette Rey

Writers search for inspiration, new approaches, grammar facts, and education in all aspects of creating stories. I reblog the following post to help my readers along their writing journey.

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Castle Rapture~

This is not only a beautiful site, but extremely important to share with others – reblog on your site, too.

Cindy Knoke

Near Haut-Koenigsbourg in France is a castle called Kintzheim that houses only raptors.

These are bateleur eagles that I photographed in the wild in Africa and never expected to see again in France!

Of course you recognize these beauties, who I also never expected to see in France.

The castle runs a program called “La Volerie des Aigles,” which is dedicated to breeding, conserving and educating the public about vulnerable raptors. Birds are flown daily, and are an unusual sight soaring over the old towns and orderly fields of France. The castle has bred many endangered raptor species including Andean condors, and stellar, imperial and white-tailed eagles, and many other species, including vultures.

The white-headed vulture is endemic to Africa. Populations have been declining steeply in recent years due to habitat degradation and poisoning. Our planet needs vultures, they are designed to keep our world clean.

The cinereous vulture has…

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Never Say This To a Woman. Ever.

Anne Clare knows how to pair personal experience with advice for writers and makes the presentation interesting. Read on.

sweater girl Remy Loz Photo by Remy Loz, courtesy of StockSnap

Most of the anecdotes that come to mind when I consider the importance of knowing one’s audience have to do with pregnancy.

I could tell tales of the highly detailed ‘birth stories’ related to me by more experienced friends when I was still an innocent little unmarried lass. Kindly meant, but talk about terrifying…

I might also tell some of the stories random people would relate once I was obviously expecting: tales of delivery room drama, tragic losses, and parenting woes. Not exactly  topics you want to be thinking about as the “D day” looms.

Of course, after three rounds in the delivery room, these stories have lost any power to shock me. (Now I have my own to tell, ha HA! But I won’t…) Only one still stings. My best anecdote for this post comes from 10 months after my first child was…

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Character Challenge, Part Two

An Exercise Worth Doing, Part II

By Annette Rey

This is Part Two of building five distinct characters. I have given you two people in Part One. Read on for the other three.

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Lord Julian Fellowes, Downton Abbey


This is my anniversary piece, Blog #1, as I am opening this site today with my first post. Since it is the day of the American launch of the sixth and last season of Downton Abbey, I choose to comment on the incomparable Lord Julian Fellowes.

What a masterful writer! And he seems an unassuming gentleman, something we Americans probably expect from Englishmen, right? He is an extremely accomplished human being, a film director, actor, novelist, and holds a seat in the House of Lords.

If you want to become a better writer, I daresay a great writer, fix your eyes on the screen of the Downton Abbey programs. Don’t miss a beat. You will peer inside the mind of a creative genius. As you watch, try to think like Julian Fellowes does, as a writer. It is easy to get lost in the story lines and the fascinating, multi-faceted characters and all the subplots and intrigues. But, try to focus on the actual process he used to create this outstanding work.

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