Conduct First-Hand Research for Writing Inspiration

Places to Experience and Enjoy

By Annette Rey

My last post suggested you break the monotony in your life and get out of your house to collect new experiences and material about which to write. You can take this new knowledge and adapt it to a fiction piece, poetry, haiku, or create an article about the experience that you may query a magazine to publish.

I promised in my next post to list opportunities, many of them free, that may also be available in your area. You will be surprised at the variety of offerings that can get your writing juices flowing.

Here is the info.

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Challenge to Writers: Jump Into a Blissful Research Break

Boy, Have I Been Having Fun!

By Annette Rey

Any time away from your daily grind job is fun, right? Well, I have been recently blessed with a relief in my workload. I am spending that time enrolling in free, educational, one-day events around town (at colleges, nature centers, libraries, and churches)*.

These are marvelous opportunities for writers. Waves of new information enter your head and the creativity part of your brain lights up. I will be sharing these experiences with you, encouraging you to search out the same types of opportunities in your part of the world. You will be amazed at what is out there to stoke your writer’s imagination to help you break through anything you may think is writer’s block.

Take a look.

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Test Your Writing Flexibility

Challenging and Stimulating Four-Part Exercise

By Annette Rey

Figuring my own taxes consumes my mind and time so I did not make a post last weekend. But I think I have a contribution that will allow you to forgive me for that neglect. Where I am frugal and couldn’t bear to pay a tax preparer to do my taxes, I willingly spend money toward improving my writing. I have purchased DVD sets from Great Courses and suggest writers look into this resource.

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Writers Overuse Expletives

Use Fleshy Words Instead

By Annette Rey

There was a time when using an expletive lent drama and shock to a piece of writing. The script for the movie Gone With the Wind shocked the audience when Rhett Butler said to Scarlett O’Hara, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

Inclusion of the word damn was much debated, but the filmmakers decided to let it remain in the dialogue. In that era (1939), this word was explosive on film and powerful in the context of the scene. Since words such as those were rarely heard in broadcasting, the use of it had large impact on the listening viewers.

How writing has changed!

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Appreciate the Master Writers

G. K. Chesterton

By Annette Rey

Who hasn’t heard of The Invisible Man (created by H. G. Wells)? He’s right up there with The Mummy, Dracula, and Frankenstein. He’s part of all the old, original “spook movies”. They existed long before the genre of Horror Movies and Slash Movies, blood for blood’s sake. But we often forget, our original “monsters” were first born in written stories.

I say all of this to introduce you to G. K. Chesterton, who wrote a short Father Brown story he titled The Invisible Man. It’s a strange tale about a type of invisibility and worth reading to examine the writing style. When you can learn to write like he did, Wow!, you’ll be up there with the masters.

Read this marvelous first paragraph from The Invisible Man and learn how to enrapture readers!

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Writers, Start with Something Boring

Just Jump In

By Annette Rey

At it was suggested to start with something boring, write a story about waiting in line and make it interesting. So, I did!

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Writers, Think Another Way

Give This a Try

By Annette Rey

Though I prefer writing fiction, I am open to any education about writing. Currently, I am reading Feature Writing by William E. Blundell. It does not hurt to add to your writing repertoire and if you can break into feature writing, you can collect some decent pay for your work.

I have an interesting exercise for you gleaned from the pages of this book which reveals an interesting fact you may not have heard before.

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Challenge – Write a Poem

Not a Poet? No Matter

By Annette Rey

You know writers need to experiment and get out of their comfort zones sometimes, right? Well, what better than to dabble in poetry?

I have done this and it opens another part of my brain. The words just sort of flow. Don’t try to be great at it. Just enjoy.

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Three Creative Challenges

When You’re Stumped, Don’t Quit

By Annette Rey

I believe when writers feel stagnant they are giving up just before the next step they should take. Inventive exercises with words can make the light bulb flash in a writer’s head like a Broadway show neon marquee. Take that next step and see what can happen for you.

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Counterclockwise Challenge

Descriptive Speaking

By Annette Rey

Here’s another way to exercise your brain – and your writing skill – with a stimulating writing challenge.

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